Friday, September 2, 2011


In wireless mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), packet transmission is impaired by radio link fluctuations. This paper proposes a novel channel adaptive routing protocol which extends the Ad hoc On-Demand Multipath Distance Vector (AOMDV) routing protocol to accommodate channel fading. 
Specifically, the proposed Channel-Aware AOMDV (CA-AOMDV) uses the channel average nonfading duration as a routing metric to select stable links for path discovery, and applies a preemptive handoff strategy to maintain reliable connections by exploiting channel state information. Using the same information, paths can be reused when they become available again, rather than being discarded. 
We provide new theoretical results for the downtime and lifetime of a live-die-live multiple path system, as well as detailed theoretical expressions for common network performance measures, providing useful insights into the differences in performance between CA-AOMDV and AOMDV. Simulation and theoretical results show that CA-AOMDV has greatly improved network performance over AOMDV


The ability of smart antennas to improve performance in a typically constrained ad-hoc network environment, has helped them garner significant attention over the last few years. However, not much light has been shed on wireless ad-hoc networks that have nodes with varying antenna capabilities. While homogeneous ad-hoc networks with all nodes having the same antenna capabilities will have certain applications, we argue that ad-hoc networks with nodes having heterogeneous antenna capabilities are more likely to be the norm due to a variety of motivating factors. In the context of such heterogeneous smart antenna networks (HSANs), we investigate and motivate the need for a simple form of node cooperation called retransmit diversity.
We show that while such a simple form of node cooperation cannot bring significant benefits to homogeneous omni-directional and smart antenna networks, they can bring several folds improvement to heterogeneous smart antenna networks. We then present several key properties pertaining to node cooperation in HSANs. In the process, we identify a fundamental trade-off between exploiting smart antenna gain and cooperation gain, that undermines the ability of HSANs to leverage node cooperation to their maximum potential. 
To address this tradeoff, we then present an adaptive cooperation mechanism and incorporate this mechanism through the design of a simple but efficient MAC protocol. The performance of the MAC protocol is evaluated through ns2 simulations.

NS2 IEEE Projects Abstracts 2011 @ NCCT

NS2 IEEE Projects Abstracts 2011  @ NCCT
In wireless mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), packet transmission is impaired by radio link fluctuations. This paper proposes a novel channel adaptive routing protocol which extends the Ad hoc On-Demand Multipath Distance Vector (AOMDV) routing protocol to accommodate channel fading. 
Specifically, the proposed Channel-Aware AOMDV (CA-AOMDV) uses the channel average nonfading duration as a routing metric to select stable links for path discovery, and applies a preemptive handoff strategy to maintain reliable connections by exploiting channel state information. Using the same information, paths can be reused when they become available again, rather than being discarded. 
We provide new theoretical results for the downtime and lifetime of a live-die-live multiple path system, as well as detailed theoretical expressions for common network performance measures, providing useful insights into the differences in performance between CA-AOMDV and AOMDV. Simulation and theoretical results show that CA-AOMDV has greatly improved network performance over AOMDV

The ability of smart antennas to improve performance in a typically constrained ad-hoc network environment, has helped them garner significant attention over the last few years. However, not much light has been shed on wireless ad-hoc networks that have nodes with varying antenna capabilities. While homogeneous ad-hoc networks with all nodes having the same antenna capabilities will have certain applications, we argue that ad-hoc networks with nodes having heterogeneous antenna capabilities are more likely to be the norm due to a variety of motivating factors. In the context of such heterogeneous smart antenna networks (HSANs), we investigate and motivate the need for a simple form of node cooperation called retransmit diversity.
We show that while such a simple form of node cooperation cannot bring significant benefits to homogeneous omni-directional and smart antenna networks, they can bring several folds improvement to heterogeneous smart antenna networks. We then present several key properties pertaining to node cooperation in HSANs. In the process, we identify a fundamental trade-off between exploiting smart antenna gain and cooperation gain, that undermines the ability of HSANs to leverage node cooperation to their maximum potential. 
To address this tradeoff, we then present an adaptive cooperation mechanism and incorporate this mechanism through the design of a simple but efficient MAC protocol. The performance of the MAC protocol is evaluated through ns2 simulations.

Coupling the high data rates of IEEE 802.11p-based VANETs and the wide coverage area of 3GPP networks (e.g., UMTS), this paper envisions a VANET-UMTS integrated network architecture. In this architecture, vehicles are dynamically clustered according to different related metrics. From these clusters, a minimum number of vehicles, equipped with IEEE 802.11p and UTRAN interfaces, are selected as vehicular gateways to link VANET to UMTS. 
Issues pertaining to gateway selection, gateway advertisement and discovery, service migration between gateways (i.e., when serving gateways lose their optimality) are all addressed and an adaptive mobile gateway management mechanism is proposed. 
Simulations are carried out using NS2 to evaluate the performance of the envisioned architecture incorporating the proposed mechanisms. Encouraging results are obtained in terms of high data packet delivery ratios and throughput, reduced control packet overhead, and minimized delay and packet drop rates.

With the emergence of high data rate sensor network applications, there is an increasing demand for high-performance query services in such networks. To meet this challenge, we propose Dynamic Conflict-free Query Scheduling (DCQS), a novel scheduling technique for queries in wireless sensor networks. In contrast to earlier TDMA protocols designed for general-purpose networks and workloads, DCQS is specifically designed for query services supporting in-network data aggregation. 
DCQS has several important features. First, it optimizes the query performance and energy efficiency by exploiting the temporal properties and precedence constraints introduced by data aggregation. Second, it can efficiently adapt to dynamic workloads and rate changes without explicitly reconstructing the transmission schedule. In addition, we provide an analytical capacity bound for DCQS in terms of query completion rate. 
This bound enables DCQS to handle overload through rate control. NS2 simulation results demonstrate that DCQS significantly outperforms a representative TDMA protocol (DRAND) and the 802.11 protocol in terms of query latency, throughput, and energy efficiency.

Several intrusion detection techniques (IDTs) proposed for mobile ad hoc networks rely on each node passively monitoring the data forwarding by its next hop. This paper presents quantitative evaluations of false positives and their impact on monitoring-based intrusion detection for ad hoc networks. 
Experimental results show that, even for a simple three-node configuration, an actual adhoc network suffers from high false positives; these results are validated by Markov and probabilistic models. However, this false positive problem cannot be observed by simulating the same network using popular ad hoc network simulators, such as ns-2, OPNET or Glomosim. To remedy this, a probabilistic noise generator model is implemented in the Glomosim simulator. 
With this revised noise model, the simulated network exhibits the aggregate false positive behavior similar to that of the experimental testbed. Simulations of larger (50-node) ad hoc networks indicate that monitoring-based intrusion detection has very high false positives. These false positives can reduce the network performance or increase the overhead. In a simple monitoring-based system where no secondary and more accurate methods are used, the false positives impact the network performance in two ways: reduced throughput in normal networks without attackers and inability to mitigate the effect of attacks in networks with attackers.

The problem of tracking moving objects with help of wireless sensor network (WSN) has been studied in past. Most of the solutions rely on the use of specialized and expensive sensors, and on dense deployment of sensors. These techniques are infeasible for applications in low budget domains. In this paper, we propose two novel techniques to track targets using binary sensing that does not need overlapping sensing regions. These techniques can track a target, and estimate the distance it has traversed on the basis of the time that target spends in the vicinity of sensors. In the first technique, the path traced by a moving target is approximated by tangent estimations to three circles, each representing range of a sensor. It allows us to convert the original problem into a semi definite program. The other tracking scheme identifies a band of small width where the target is guaranteed to lie. The band is first approximated using the distance travelled after coming out of vicinity of one sensor and before entering the vicinity of second sensor. This band is then reduced using the distance travelled inside the vicinity of the sensors. We simulated the two methods in NS2 and evaluate both the methods.

Cognitive wireless network consisted of multiple different types of wireless interface is one of efficient wireless transmission methods for Disaster Information Network, because it solves single wireless network problems like characteristics of wireless frequency or congestion form the use of same radio frequency.  However, even if Disaster Information Network consisted of Cognitive Wireless Network, some of wireless node might be broken after severe disaster is happened. Therefore, it is necessary  to consider about additional functions which the system never die. In this paper, we introduce Satellite System for optimal transmission control method in Cognitive Wireless Network in order to consider with severe disaster. 
First, as our previous study, proper wireless link and route selection is held by Extend AHP and Extend AODV with Min-Max AHP value methods for optimal transmission control in Cognitive Wireless Network.  Then, check-alive function, alternate data transmission function, possible alternative route suggestion, and network reconfiguration are introduced to our proposed Disaster Information Network by using Satellite System.  
In the simulation, ns2 are used for the computational results to the effectiveness of the suggested transmission methods in the hybrid system of cognitive wireless and satellite network system. 

Applications such as voice and video require network paths that satisfy several different quality of service (QoS) metrics, such as delay, jitter, packet loss rate and availability. The calculation of paths under multiple QoS metrics, such as the above four metrics, is a difficult problem since these metrics are in general incompatible. The authors propose a simple method for combining the above four QoS metrics into a single composite QoS metric which can be used as a link cost in Dijkstra’s algorithm in order to calculate a path. 
The authors evaluated the proposed method in a multi-domain routing environment where domain reachability information is available through a service oriented architecture paradigm, and they show that it outperforms two commonly used methods. The results are also applicable to routing within a single domain.

We study the delay performance of a sensor network, whose nodes access the medium by using the unslotted MAC protocol specified by the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. Unlike previous works, which focus on the average throughput and delay analysis, we develop a detailed model that allows us to obtain the delivery delay distribution of messages sent by concurrently contending sensors toward a central controller. 
We carry out a transient analysis that is of particular interest when sensor networks are deployed to provide coverage for real-time applications, and we study both single- and multi-hop network topologies. We validate our analytical results against simulation results obtained through ns2.

Network lifetime predictability is an essential system requirement for the type of wireless sensor network (WSN) used in safety-critical and highly-reliable applications. All sensor nodes in these time-critical WSNs should meet the lifetime constraint at any time instance, else it may cause severe consequences that involve economic losses, or even fatalities. In the literature, clustering sensors into groups is a popular strategy to maximize the network lifetime, but none of the clustering algorithms address the predictability issue for time-criticalWSNs. 
In this paper, the High Energy First (HEF) clustering algorithm is chosen as a design reference model, which is proved in this paper to be an optimal clustering policy under certain ideal conditions. To address network lifetime predictability in practice, the network lifetime bounds and feasibility test for the HEF are developed via the worst case energy consumption analysis. 
The network simulator 2 (NS2) is used to verify the proposed network lifetime predictability model, and the results show that the derived bounds of the predictability provide accurate estimations of the system lifetime.

During their lifetime, multi-hop wireless mesh networks (WMNs) experience frequent link failures caused by channel interference, dynamic obstacles and/or applications’ bandwidth demands. These failures cause severe performance degradation in WMNs or require expensive, manual network management for their real-time recovery. This paper presents an Autonomous network Reconfiguration System (ARS) that enables a multi-radio WMN to autonomously recover from local link failures to preserve network performance. 
By using channel and radio diversities in WMNs, ARS generates necessary changes in local radio and channel assignments in order to recover from failures. Next, based on the thus-generated configuration changes, the system cooperatively reconfigures network settings among local mesh routers. ARS has been implemented and evaluated extensively on our IEEE 802.11-based WMN test-bed as well as through ns-2-based simulation. 
Our evaluation results show that ARS outperforms existing failure-recovery schemes in improving channel-efficiency by more than 90%and in the ability of meeting the applications’ bandwidth demands by an average of 200%.

A new way to increase the security of data transmission of mobile ad hoc networks [MANETS] is presented in this work. There is a massive increase in using MANETS for unmanned army system for both surveillance and future combat operations. This has necessitated the development of innovative MANET solutions catering to the reliability, security and scalability needs of the defense communications environment.  Security and reliability are crucial aspects of MANET, especially in security sensitive applications like military. 
Secure Message Transmission SMT[1] protocol  secure the data transmission phase by tailoring an end-to-end secure data forwarding protocol to the MANET communication requirements and increases the reliability through  transmitting the messages in multiple paths with minimal redundancy. This work increases the through the removal of Byzantine Faults [8] in the multiple paths. A binary search probing technique which is resilient to Byzantine failures caused by individual or colluding nodes is incorporated in the SMT protocol to provide more secured transmission. The fault detection algorithm bounds logarithmically (log n –n the number of nodes in the path), so the delay is reduced drastically. 
The simulated implementation of the work in NS2 shows the marginal increase in the throughput. The delay and jitter variants can also be improved if the nodes location can be predicted. Predicting the nodes location and reducing the unnecessary traffic with the aid of Spatial and Temporal mining is the second phase of this work.  

The wireless mesh network is an emerging technology that provides high quality service to end users as the “last mile” of the Internet. Furthermore, multicast communication is a key technology for wireless mesh networks. Multicast provides efficient data distribution among a group of nodes. However, unlike other wireless networks, such as sensor networks and MANETs, where multicast algorithms are designed to be energy efficient and to achieve optimal route discovery among mobile nodes, wireless mesh networks need to maximize throughput. 
This paper proposes two multicast algorithms: the Level Channel Assignment (LCA) algorithm and the Multichannel Multicast (MCM) to improve the throughput for multichannel and multi-interface mesh networks. The algorithms build efficient multicast trees by minimizing the number of relay nodes and total hop count distances of the trees. The algorithms use dedicated channel assignment strategies to reduce the interference to improve the network capacity. We also demonstrate that using partially overlapping channels can further diminish the interference. 
Furthermore, additional interfaces help to increase the bandwidth, and multiple gateways can further shorten the total hop count distance. Simulations show that those algorithms greatly outperform the single-channel multicast algorithm. We also observe that MCM achieves better throughput and shorter delay while LCA can be realized in distributed manner.

The Internet traffic is growing, and its nature changes because of new applications. Multimedia applications require bandwidth reservations that were not needed initially when the file transfers dominated the Internet. P2P applications are making traffic patterns impossible to predict, and the traffic loads generated at nodes need to be routed regardless of the traffic pattern. When the guaranteed node traffic loads are known, bandwidth reservations can be made simple as will be explained in the paper. 
The shortest path routing (SPR) protocols used on the Internet today do not maximize the guaranteed node traffic loads, and do not provide scalable and fast bandwidth reservations. Load balancing can improve the network throughput for arbitrary traffic pattern. In this paper we analyze and implement a routing protocol that is based on load balancing and a commonly used shortest path routing protocol, and is, consequently, termed as LB-SPR. LB-SPR is optimized for an arbitrary traffic pattern, i.e. it does not assume a particular traffic matrix. Optimization assumes only the weights assigned to the network nodes according to their estimated demands. It will be shown that the optimized routing achieves the throughputs which are significantly higher than those provided by the currently used SPR protocols, such as OSPF or RIP. Importantly, LB-SPR calculates the guaranteed traffic loads and so allows fast autonomic bandwidth reservations which are the key for the successful support of triple-play applications, including video and audio applications that require high QoS. 
An actual modification of the TCP/IP stack that includes LB-SPR is also described. Using the signaling mechanisms of the OSPF protocol, the information needed to perform the routing optimization is automatically distributed among the network nodes whenever the network topology changes. The LB-SPR implementation is validated on a sample network using a popular virtualization tool - Xen.

Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) are being designed to improve traffic safety and efficiency. To meet this goal, the messages disseminated in VANETs must be trustworthy. We propose a privacy-preserving system that guarantees message trustworthiness in vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications. 
Vehicle privacy is provided as long as a vehicle does not attempt to endorse the same message more than once. In spite of a message having been validly endorsed, if it is later found to be false, the system offers the possibility of a posteriori tracing the message generator and its endorsers. 
Our proposal demonstrates a number of distinctive features. The system is equipped with both apriori and a posteriori countermeasures. The threshold used for apriori endorsement can adaptively change according to the message urgency and traffic context, rather than being preset in the system design stage as in existing schemes. The verification of authenticated V2V messages is accelerated by batch message-processing techniques. Simulation results illustrate that the system maintains its performance under various traffic conditions., 044-28235816, 9841193224, 9380102891,

Thursday, September 1, 2011



  • Channel-Aware Routing in MANETs with Route Handoff

  • Cooperating with Smartness Using Heterogeneous Smart Antennas in Ad-Hoc Networks

  • Dynamic Clustering-Based Adaptive Mobile Gateway Management in Integrated VANET - 3G Heterogeneous Wireless Networks

  • Dynamic Conflict-free Query Scheduling for Wireless Sensor Networks

  • Efficient Target Tracking through Binary-Detection in Sparsely Deployed WSN

  • On the Effectiveness of Monitoring for Intrusion Detection in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

  • Optimal Route Selection Method with Satellite System for Cognitive Wireless Network in Disaster Information Network

  • Quality of service-based multi-domain routing under multiple quality of service metrics

  • Schedulability Analysis for Hard Network Lifetime Wireless Sensor Networks With High Energy First Clustering

  • Secured Communication for MANETS in Military

  • Self-Reconfigurable Wireless Mesh Networks

  • Transient Analysis of IEEE 802.15.4 Sensor Networks


  • Balanced Trustworthiness, Safety, and Privacy in Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications

  • Efficient Multicast Algorithms for Multichannel Wireless Mesh Networks

  • Two Phase Load Balanced Routing using OSPF


NCCT, MATLAB IEEE PROJECTS 2011 TITLES, 044-2823 5816, 98411 93224, 93801 02891

  • A Basic Digital Watermarking Algorithm in Discrete Cosine transformation Domain

  • A Comparison between a Neural Network and a SVM and Zernike Moments Based Blob Recognition Modules

  • A Frequency Domain Multi-User Detector for TD-CDMA Systems

  • A Messy Watermarking for Medical Image Authentication

  • A More Secure Steganography Method in Spatial Domain

  • A New Digital Image Scrambling Encryption Algorithm Based on Chaotic Sequence

  • A Novel Method for using Adaptive Array Antennas in Ds-Cdma Mobile Radio Systems

  • A Novel Method of Image Steganography in DWT Domain

  • A Novel Robust Watermarking Algorithm Based On Two Levels DCT and Two Levels SVD

  • A Novel Shape-based Diagnostic Approach for Early Diagnosis of Lung Nodules

  • A Novel Trust Region Tracking Algorithm Based on Kernel Density Estimation

  • A Simple and Fast Algorithm to Detect the Fovea Region in Fundus Retinal Image

  • A Steganographic method based on Integer Wavelet Transform and Genetic Algorithm

  • A Steganographic Method based on the JPEG Digital images

  • Adaptive Image Watermarking Algorithm Based on Biorthogonal Wavelet Transform

  • An Advanced Motion Detection Algorithm with Video Quality Analysis for Video Surveillance Systems, 044-2823 5816, 98411 93224, 93801 02891,  

  • Boosting Color Feature Selection for Color Face Recognition

  • Boosting Text Extraction From Biomedical Images using Text Region Detection

  • Color Extended Visual Cryptography Using Error Diffusion

  • Data Hiding in Motion Vectors of Compressed Video Based on Their Associated Prediction Error

  • Discrete Wavelet Transform-Based Satellite Image Resolution Enhancement

  • Efficient Relevance Feedback for Content-Based Image Retrieval by Mining User Navigation Patterns

  • Encryption and Multiplexing of Fingerprints for Enhanced Security

  • Enhanced Assessment of the Wound-Healing Process by Accurate Multiview Tissue Classification

  • General framework of the construction of biorthogonal wavelets based on Bernstein bases

  • Gradient Pro?le Prior and Its Applications in Image Super-Resolution and Enhancement

  • Image based Secret Communication using Double Compression

  • Image Fusion Method Based on NSCT and Robustness Analysis

  • Image Preprocessing Methods in Face Recognition

  • Image Segmentation Using Kernel Fuzzy C-Means Clustering on Level Set Method on Noisy Images

  • Improved Red Blood Cell Counting in Thin Blood Smears

  • Integrity Preservation and Privacy Protection for Medical Images with Histogram-Based Reversible Data Hiding, 044-2823 5816, 98411 93224, 93801 02891,   

  • Key of Packaged Granary Grain Quantity Recognition — Grain Bags Image Processing

  • Lung Cancer Detection by Using Artificial Neural Network and Fuzzy Clustering Methods

  • Motion and Feature Based Person Tracking In Surveillance Videos

  • Multiregion Image Segmentation by Parametric Kernel Graph Cuts

  • Multi-resolution, multi-sensor image fusion general fusion framework

  • Neural Network based Handwritten Character Recognition system without feature extraction

  • Neural Networks for  the Detection and Localization of Breast Cancer

  • Number Plate Recognition for Use in Different Countries Using an Improved Segmentation

  • Online Voting System Powered By Biometric Security Using Steganography

  • Parametrisation construction frame of lifting scheme

  • Peak Power Analysis of MC-CDMA Employing Golay Complementary Sequences

  • Reduced-Reference Image Quality Assessment Using Reorganized DCT-Based Image Representation

  • Removal of High Density Salt and Pepper Noise Through Modi?ed Decision Based Unsymmetric Trimmed Median Filter

  • Text Segmentation for MRC Document Compression

  • The License Plate Recognition System Based on Fuzzy Theory and BP Neural Network, 044-2823 5816, 98411 93224, 93801 02891,   

  • Wave(Let) Decide Choosy Pixel Embedding for stego

  • Wavelet Enhanced Fusion Algorithm for Multisensor Images

  • Transform Domain Progressive Image Decoding

  • Desaturation of Digital Camera Images using chroma correlation

  • Face Recognition using Gabor Filters and Local Binary Patterns

  • Constant-brightness-plane based histogram equalization for color images

  • Image Contrast enhancement using histogram specification

  • Human Iris localization using modified ellipse fitting

  • Image object segmentation and Region based Gamma mapping

  • Support Vector Machine based retinal blood vessel detection and classification for eye disease detection

  • Optic Disc detection using oriented line filter response for eye disease detection

  • Image Segmentation and classification for Highway Traffic Symbol recogntion

  • Wavelet domain Remote Sensing Satellite Image sharpening

  • Forest Detection and Enhancement of Remote Sensing Satellite Images

  • Combining Remote Sensing Satellite Images using Wavelet Planes

  • Color Image restoration from high concentration impulse noise

  • Lighting variation correction in Human Face Databases using Global and Local Face Features

  • Illumination invariant Human face recognition using transform domain magnitude correction

  • Robotic Scene Analysis based image enhancement

  • Binary data hiding based Biometric Authentication System

  • A highly secure steganographic scheme for medical and military images

  • Image noise removal from random valued salt and pepper noise using directional filtering, 044-2823 5816, 98411 93224, 93801 02891,  

Matlab Projects @ NCCT, IEEE Projects Titles

Matlab Projects @ NCCT, IEEE Projects Titles
  • A New Supervised Method for Blood Vessel Segmentation in Retinal Images by Using Gray-Level and Moment Invariants-Based Features

  • Intelligent Compression of Medical Images with Texture Information

  • Satellite Image Enhancement using Image Modulation Function

  • Randomization and Integer mapping based Lossless Watermarking of Images

  • Selective blurring of Image content using Gaussian Model - Application to Film making

  • Object Removal and Filling of Missing region in Images

  • Digital Camera Image Enhancement using Alternating Projections

  • A Low-Cost VLSI Implementation for Efficient Removal of Impulse Noise

  • Blood Vessel Segmentation in Angiograms using Fuzzy Inference System and Mathematical Morphology

  • Comparative Study of Image Segmentation Techniques and Object Matching using Segmentation

  • Evaluation of Retinal Vessel Segmentation Methods for Microaneurysms Detection

  • Image Retrieval from database using color quantization

  • Background Detection and Image Enhancement of poorly Lighted images

  • Medical Retinal blood vessel detection using gradient angle measurements for eye disease detection

  • Transform Domain Color image enhancement using Discrete Cosine Transform

  • Mean preserved Image Enhancment using Histogram Specification

  • Blood vessel orientation based Optic Disc detection in medical retinal fundus images

  • Two-Stage Hierarchical Image Segmentation using K-Means algorithm and Color Space Conversion

  • Moving Object Segmentation in video sequences using Time-Frequency representation

  • Genetic Algorithm based Image Noise Removal

  • Exact Image Enhancement and Histogram processing using Wavelet Coefficients

  • Lossless Color-Space Conversion of Images

  • Image Quantization for segmentation using Partitioning Pixel Values

  • Digital Image Processing Techniques for the Detection and Removal of Cracks in Digitized Paintings

  • An SVD-based gray scale image quality measure for local and global assessment

  • Enhancing Digital Cephalic Radiography With Mixture Models and Local Gamma Correction

  • A closed-form approximation of the exact unbiased inverse of the Anscombe variance-stabilizing transformation

  • Mixture of Gaussians-based Background Subtraction for Bayer-Pattern Image Sequences

  • Removal of Artifacts from JPEG Compressed Document Images

  • Scalable Face Image Retrieval with Identity-Based Quantization and Multi-Reference Re-ranking

  • Screening of Diabetic Retinopathy - Automatic Segmentation of Optic Disc in Colour fundus Images

  • X-Ray Image Categorization and Retrieval Using Patch-based Visual Words Representation